Stocks and Investment News

Hydro (Water-Based) Recycling for Lead and Li-Ion Batteries. Also Learn About a “Drought Tolerant” Seed for Soybeans and Wheat.

Aqua Metals (AQUA, NASDAQ)

$1.34 per share | Market Cap $95 million

Using water, hydro processes, is the future of battery metals recycling. And the future is now. Soon enough international regulations will mandate  an end to burning batteries. We’re just saying no to burn pits. Using high heat to recycle batteries is inefficient. It’s also nasty for people’s health and the environment.

Aqua Metals‘ (AQMS, NASDAQ) solution is efficient and non-toxic. Battery metals are recycled indoors via their patented AquaRefining process.

They’re the only company, or 1 of very few, who’ve got a commercially proven closed-loop recycling process that’s capable of producing the world’s purest metal.

Here’s Aqua Metals’ best and biggest announcements (last 6 months):

  • Aqua Metals and LINICO sign collaboration agreement for clean Lithium-ion battery recycling technology development
  • Aqua Metals commences AquaRefining equipment shipments to its first Asia Pacific licensee ACME Metal
  • Aqua Metals on track to deploy AquaRefining in future Lithium-ion battery recycling operation
  • Aqua Metals produces first Lithium from spent batteries, achieving key step in its novel Lithium-ion battery recycling technology

While Lithium is the hot topic, and they’re clearly advancing with their ability to recycle Lithium, Lead acid batteries are by far the biggest market today. AquaRefining produces 99.996% Lead, the purest high quality Lead available worldwide.

Combined, recycling Lithium and Lead batteries represent a total addressable market up to $26 billion by the year 2030 (according to AQMS).

I’m also intrigued by this chart from a bottom fisher’s perspective. Looks like AQMS is finding a floor around $1 after catching a big 8 x move at the beginning of last year.

The stock has overcome its 50-day EMA which is now turning higher, confirming a significant rally is in progress. The stock closed at $1.34 Friday, its 4th straight daily advance.

Times are a changin’ and we’re not gonna be able to burn and incinerate stuff like we did in the past.

AquaRefining could be the new cleaner and greener way to recycle batteries. It’s not an easy thing to do.

Bioceres Crop Solutions (BIOX, NASDAQ)

$14.89 per share | Market Cap $612 millon

Agriculture and fertilizer plays have been bullish, BIOX is no exception. The stock’s doubled since last year but it’s the biggest little seed and crop solutions company I think you’re going to find. There aren’t many opportunities to invest in seeds because Monsanto basically buys everybody out and dominates the whole industry.

Along with its HB4® – drought tolerant seed technology program – Bioceres is also bringing digital solutions to support growers’ decisions and provide end-to-end traceability for production outputs.

Last year Bioceres received approval to start selling its HB4 Wheat seeds in Brazil.

Canada approved Bioceres‘ HB4 Soybean seeds.

Revenues jumped 89% during the most recent quarter to $90.3 million, up from $47.7 million in the year ago quarter.

The stock looks attractive around current levels with the stock having successfully tested its rising 500-day EMA late last month.

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