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Cellular Concrete Is Yuuge

Cellular Concrete Is Yuuge, And It's Getting Yuuger!

DT Cook / January 06, 2021
  • Stocks / CONCRETE
  • 683

Awarded Largest in CEMATRIX's History

One week ago CEMATRIX Corp. (CVX, TSX-V) was awarded a $23.5 million ($30 million CDN) tunnel project. This contract represents a new record and it's the largest in CEMATRIX's history.

Jeff Kendrick, President and CEO, stated: "This is an incredible award for the CEMATRIX Group of Companies and a testament to the credibility and quality of our project team and our advanced technologies. The award is also a testament to the increased utilization of cellular concrete in the marketplace vs legacy solutions. We expect the number of awards and size of our projects to hit new levels, especially as more and more engineers and specifiers choose our industry leading cellular concrete as their product of choice."

Who We Are... CEMATRIX

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North America's Largest Provider

Cellular concrete is the fastest growing construction material and CEMATRIX is North America's largest (industry leading) provider. The number of awards and size of CEMATRIX's projects is going to hit new levels. And that's without a trillion dollar infrastructure program. Imagine if we get a trillion dollar infrastructure program from the incoming Biden administration, badly needed stimulus to repair aging airports, roads, bridges, and tunnels. That would be yuuge for CEMATRIX! It would create a ton of jobs, too.

So CVX becomes a super duper "story stock" when we get that trillion dollar stimulus program because CVX is a pure play on infrastructure.

Meanwhile, you can rest easy knowing CEMATRIX doesn't actually need it - they're already doing fine without it. For these reasons, and more, CVX has become one of my highest conviction investments.

The stock gapped higher, from 49 to 58 cents last Tuesday on the news. Volume was strong. More than 1 million shares were exchanged in 1 of the most active trading days of the year.

Today, in the first post-Christmas trading session, CVX added a penny to close at 59 cents as the stock closes in on its June multi-year high. What John's chart is now telling us is that CVX is in the process of confirming a breakout past key resistance in the upper 50's with next measured Fib. at 82 cents.

Cematrix Chart... UPTREND

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Daniel T. Cook - A Bright Futures Scholar, Daniel earned his Bachelor in Finance degree in 2010 from the University of Central Florida while working full-time as a stockbroker. Selected as a favorite writer by The Motley Fool, and 2012 article of the year recipient, today he writes for OWNERZZZ, among other notable sites and conducts personal site visits to interview company management.

DT Cook
  • Researcher / Writer / Investor

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