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Salazar Resources

Inside The Room With Salazar Resources (SRL, TSX-V) and Ecuador's President Lasso

DT Cook / September 27, 2021
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Trading 37 cents per share | Market cap $54 million

Another high quality de-risked stock that remains firmly within an upward primary trend.

The importance of recent election results can't be understated. Guillermo Lasso, Ecuador's new President, has a pro-business and pro-mining investment agenda. Lasso, previously a banker, has a good understanding of foreign direct investment plus respect for security of tenure and law as it relates to land/business ownership.

Given the direction political winds are blowing in Peru and Chile, this is Ecuador's moment to firmly establish itself as the new destination place for discovery and mining.

Meanwhile, a tightening global Copper market is facing the real possibility of simultaneous strike disruptions at 3 mines in Chile, the top producer, which will further underpin advanced Copper stocks like Salazar. By far the most serious threat to immediate global supply comes from Escondido, the biggest Copper mine in the world, where workers have rejected owner BHP Group's final wage offer. Unless the 2 sides can reach a deal in government-mediated talks in the coming days, the market may be left without production from a project that last year churned out 1.2 million metric tons.

Salazar's current valuation is anchored by its 25% carried interest in El Domo.

El Domo, grading 5.5% Copper equivalent, ranks top 3 globally in terms of low capex high-grade undeveloped Copper projects. Carried interests on exploration (also via Adventus Mining — ADZN, TSX-V) and 100%-owned projects provide discovery optionality and torque to SRL.

De-risking Assets... VALUE STRATEGY

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Ecuador President Lasso and Major Mining Interests

I can confirm President Lasso and major mining interests recently had a sit-down meeting. Among other orders of business, Lasso was there to confirm his pro-mining pro-business agenda. Lasso asked which "key projects" were most likely to go into production and generate value for Ecuador.

Naturally BHP and SolGold waved their arms to say "Cascabel! Cascabel!" because it's the biggest project.

Unfortunately Cascabel will take a decade to develop and cost billions of dollars. Therein provided an opportunity (in the room with Lasso) to place El Domo front and center in the mind of Ecuador's President. Freddy Jr. (Fredy Salazar's son) stepped-up to tell Lasso that El Domo can move forward in 1 year, compared to 1 decade.

15 New Regional Exploration... TARGETS

2 Key Projects in Mind — Cascabel and El Domo

After some discussion on the topic, Lasso left with 2 key projects in mind — Cascabel and El Domo (Curipamba).

VMS deposits (like El Domo) are famous for being relatively high-grade and occurring in clusters. Curipamba is a target-rich land package. Any new discovery capable of adding 10 million tonnes or more to the existing deposit could add $100 to $200 million (or more) to the current NPV.

Drill rigs on Salazar's Los Osos Project (100%-owned).

The 1st several holes were low-grade over good widths, like 240 m of 0.4 g/t Au and 0.1% Cu.

Assays for at least 2 more holes are pending. If grades improve it'll be GAME ON at Los Osos. If not Salazar will move its drill rigs to another property. Salazar already has a nice portfolio of wholly owned projects. Above and beyond that Salazar has access to some of the best deal flow given the Salazar family's long-term connections in country.

Bottom Line: "If you're looking for big Copper-Gold anywhere in the world you have to be looking in Ecuador. This is pretty much the last territory where they're sticking out of the ground and you can stub your toe on them at surface," stated Melin Marr-Johnson, VP Corp. Development.

Looking for big Copper-Gold... ECUADOR

In what could be described as a rough patch, slow, quiet market (to put it nicely), which has generally been depressing for stock prices recently, SRL shows relative strength.

The stock is trading just 3 pennies or less than 10% below multi-year highs!

Very impressive if you ask me. While Salazar has yet to create a sense of urgency to buy the stock, serious speculators have been accumulating and accumulating (as the chart clearly shows). Higher lows and higher highs. A valuation that's anchored by a 25% carried interest in El Domo. Plus upside optionality via Adventus-funded exploration and Salazar-funded drilling on 100%-owned projects.


From a day-to-day perspective, this stock may seem boring. But the gain since 2015 has been extraordinary at more than 600%. SRL is a perfect fit for investors aiming for capital preservation and above-average gains.

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Daniel T. Cook - A Bright Futures Scholar, Daniel earned his Bachelor in Finance degree in 2010 from the University of Central Florida while working full-time as a stockbroker. Selected as a favorite writer by The Motley Fool, and 2012 article of the year recipient, today he writes for OWNERZZZ, among other notable sites and conducts personal site visits to interview company management.

DT Cook
  • Researcher / Writer / Investor

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